Document Type : Original Article


Sepah Bank


Today, due to the importance of the role of banks in the dynamics of the economic cycle of countries, correct and efficient validation has led to proper and efficient accreditation of the requirements and priorities of banks. In fact, in this way, a proper knowledge and evaluation of the customer's financial behavior can be achieved. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to determine the credit indicators of customers and rank them by the heads of Sepah Bank branches in Tehran's second region. Validation indicators obtained from the literature and documents that were reviewed and evaluated by a panel of experts (including 10 banking experts) and the results are in the form of a questionnaire. The obtained questionnaire was distributed among 102 branch managers in the form of main indicators and sub-indicators and 95 completed questionnaires were collected and analyzed based on AHP technique of indicators and sub-indicators which are divided into official and unofficial categories are divided, weighted and prioritized (1less important-10more important). The results showed that the first and most important indicator of collateral is the official index. But another result of the research is that among the first 5 indicators, there are two unofficial indicators (unit beneficiary and customer capacity), which shows the importance of unofficial indicators. One of the limitations of this research is the limited possibility of collecting data from managers. Future researchers can achieve more and more reliable indicators by doing more research in other areas.
