Document Type : Original Article


1 Financial and Banking Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting , Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Financial and Banking Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting , Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran

3 Ph.D. Graduate, Accounting Department, Faculty of Economic and Social Science , Alzahra University, Tehran


One of the key challenges that can affect the country's economy is the banking crisis. This issue has a direct impact on the financial and credit stability of banks, as well as public trust in the banking system. Using game theory and the graph model, the present research deals with the detailed analysis of the interactions between the different actors in the Iranian banking system and helps to outline their interactions and mutual effects in the banking crisis issue. The results of the research emphasize the importance of understanding the mutual interactions of stakeholders in the management of the banking crisis and provide solutions to reduce risk and improve the efficiency of the banking system. Using the graph model, financial rescue measures of the government and the central bank, the change of taxpayers' attitudes, the adaptation of investors' strategies, and the desire of customers for alternative options have been investigated. Also, the importance of adapting the strategies of financial institutions and policymakers to the changing conditions for the effective management of the banking crisis has been emphasized. In fact, the current and future situation of the actors of the banking crisis has been examined. The findings indicate that in order to reach an ideal and desirable situation that is in harmony with the long-term goals of the society, there is a need to adjust the preferences of actors and the active intervention of policy makers to realize the desired situation.
